Tuesday, July 29, 2008
while waiting for the train ...
I descend on the escalator to platform 2, my school bag hung on my shoulder while i struggled to hold on to my green bag filled with groceries. The platform was rather crowded with school kids and mothers with their prams. Tired and wrecked from the 40 minute bus ride i just wanted to be left alone, i walked deeper into the platform.
I rest my green bag on a vandalized bench while i stood waiting because someone spilled water on the rest of the bench, i could see the cup lying sideways on the floor. As i settled down i began to notice the people around me.
Looking around, i saw several groups of school kids that you would label as naughty rebels. They had bright neon colored hair, several piercings and baggy shirts with bold statements. In front of me 7 pigeons were bopping their heads while walking, i found it rather funny. I soon found out that they were busy pecking on a McDonalds nugget to death which was thrown by a fat man holding a bottle of beer, he looked bored.
A skinny late 30's man with worn out clothes and aviator glasses appears and sits at the bench behind mine. He opens a bottle of unknown substance that looked so familiar to me and proceeds to drink it. I looked closer ... and it was that chinese herbal cough syrup thing. I guess he's an addict either that or he has a cough, yea right =-=. What's funny is that he was drinking that cough syrup next to a rebel that was drinking a carton of chocolate milk o_o.
Bored, i opened my packet of wasabi peas that i just bought and continued my people watching. I continued to stare at the pigeons and started to wonder if their blood stream could handle that much cholestrol from that McDonalds nugget. Like their blood stream and little tiny heart can't possibly handle that. They might probably die later of a heart attack. Bored... with 3 minutes left of waiting, i noticed that i was surrounded by angmohs, and there was only me and another chinese kid.
In a span of 30seconds, a stall nearby was deep frying food and all the oil smoke?fumes?~ started to fill the air, the fat man that was feeding the pigeons decided to have a smoke. SUDDENLY, my eyesight was blurry and smokey(from oil fumes and 2nd hand smoke) =_=. SUDDENLY, i started to cough terribly and tear as the wasabi flared through my nasal pasageway. As i tried to get myself back in order, trains from both direction arrived as scheduled and the rebels, addict, fat man and me entered the train.
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