
Wednesday, July 09, 2008

Info for all

*Lala in china means Lesbian =D.

les+ or 'les jia' or 'les family' is a free magazine for off course lesbians.
It costs like USD1000+ permonth for them to print and distribute.

Wonder wher they get their funds from.

Now i will give out a quiet laugh whenever someone says, "Oh my god, she dresses so lala".

*I sort of support TIBET now.


*Geoengineering. the new light in combating global warming!.

Shooting rockets filled with sulphur oxide into the clouds(most prob the mesosphere) where it then creates rain. so cool.... it absorbs and also reflects light back to space. They learnt this from nature itself when Mt.Pinatubo(2nd largest eruption if im not wrong) blew.

The force was so massive that it blew its 500metre peak off and shot sulphur oxide 20+miles into the stratospere. It rained after that, acid rain off course ... but shockingly it lowered temperatures by half a celcius.

The last time the US tried to experiment with this LONG TIME AGO, they were forced to stop because people were saying that they were planning to manipulate the weather as a war strategy to win the Vietnam war =_=.

ability to control/manipulate the weather if this is not cool i don't know what is.
yes im boring you.
i'll stop now.

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