
Tuesday, September 06, 2011

Lazy Food

Made pasta yesterday, got me thinking how it's one of my all time lazy foods.
You can create whatever concoction you want and still make it edible. o_o

I like to cook, makes me happy but being the sloth that I am, I tend to cook shit food for myself.
Only tend to cook nice stuff when it's for other people
or when it doesn't feel like a chore. (so demanding hey)

But lol, I know that when I have a family
that mentality will be the first
to fly out the window.

 Manage to find a few others of my "lazy food" creations.

I know Gessie's lazy food is of course instant noodles.

I'm planing on compiling recipes that I usually make so that I can easily have something to fall back on later in life lol, sounds epic. Anyway, living with a second person makes cooking a responsibility.. :\
I keep going back and forth, like I know I like doing it but during those lazy days I feel like
the "responsibility" is too soon -.-
like there is this benchmark of expectations that I have to fulfill. 

oh well, another day. got to take it as it is.

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