
Sunday, October 04, 2009

Presentation II

So yes, my presentation has come and gone. I was nervous like mad as usual but in the end it was alright. For some reason all the groups presenting clumped over the other side hence all the black. Everyone looked so smart!

Vaining before the presentation, it was at 630 and I was so nervous I couldn't study, all I did was rehearse my lines. I had to study because my exams were next week.

Taken before I got drenched in rain on the way walking to the train station. Sad day for presentation, rained the whole evening. It made me even more nervous, scary okay bad omen.

Bling for the night.

Doris and Alice, and my overgrown hair. First session presentation, was there to just watch.

Kev and his last minute $200 suit.

Spot Eunji, most first session groups didn't dress so formal.

Wohoo, goodbye semester.

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